Where in the world is Dani Sandiego?

Where in the world is Dani Sandiego?
I walk through Orsteds Parken to get to class!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Once upon a time...

Title: I died and went to Christiana last night.

Story told as by Dani Hill
Narrated by Dani Hill
This is a story taking place 30.1.2010.
Time doesn't exist here.

There is a land where this exists legally. 8-Mile meets Matsiyahu gone Dansk bad-ass underground open mike. Location: Deserted Army Barrack outside of Copenhagen, Denmark. Language Danish: The people chanted "Can I get an amen for the green" as it was passed in rotation between 200 people of all ages. Quite possibly the best vibe ever. You're standing practically on stage jamming with new friends in a nice place with a new language. You wouldn't trade this experience for anything. You've found a hole in the wall and you want all your friends to know about it. The only rule here "No pictures." At this point you realized you're going to have to make them see it for themselves. The concert ends and in disbelief you leave the barracks and walk 5 minuets to a metro and realize what you just did was legal. and Quite possibly the most fun you've ever had. & as a group you decide...Hell that's a 15 minute metro ride, Let's come back tomorrow!

Friday, January 29, 2010

World on the street is...

It's blizzard conditions here in Kobenhavn. Tonight I will attempt the feat of going to friends and forging the storm. It's almost like The Oregon Trail game played in elementary schools across America. Do you stay inside and waiting for conditions to become less hazard or freeze to death & find pubs. I'm gonna go balls to the walls on this one & like my friends Duck Sauce once sang "I've not nothin to lose."

Maybe Just a few toes and feeling in my legs. Off I go. If I freeze the sidewalk permanently and become one of Kobenhavn's tourist destinations the plaque at the base of the statue (Me) will state "College student who dared to test our wild weather conditions. A lesson to all newcomers and Dane's alike. She lived a happy life and in her last moments recalled the time she got stuck in marshy mud on Fosters Point, Beverly MA. And thought 'This is an a lot like that...how long before high tide?'"

Thursday, January 28, 2010

If design fails me I might be a saute chef....

I think I'm a natural sauteer.... One might ask what is that? That is someone who doesn't know how to cook anything else..because everything else has directions in a foreign language. Maybe I'm inspired by Julia and Julia or something.

Today I made a lovely fiesta pasta dish. Jonathan and Natalie feel free to laugh here.

For mood music I suggest Bob Marley Stir it up (Because that's what I'll be doing throughout the coarse of this process..) 

Saute Onions and Garlic of coarse (The most important ingredient). Add sun dried tomatoes, a cucumber variation of a sort...maybe Zucchini. I'm not sure yet. With some olive oil and pepper. Once your pasta is almost boiled (That's where I usually am at this point) Add some pesto & just a pinch of tomato sauce & or chopped tomatoes. Or both, the more the merrier. Let sit under light heat until pasta is finished. Throughout saute time feel free to add pepper. I have nothing else to throw on there at this point so I just go for it! (Go for it!) Feel free to squirt a lot of lime on this concoction. Zesty zesty zesty!

Also you will have a ghetto version of garlic bread going at the same time. If you're trying to conserve dishes feel free to use your saute pan while washing all other dirty dishes. By the time you're done...Your food has cooled to an eatable temperature and your bread will be just crispy enough. & will be a delightful saucy flavored piece of goodness.

& then you eat and serve with a Corona and lime. Am I a genius or a novice I'm not sure but it is damn good.  If you have guests for dinner apologize for the chaotic style of chef-ery. Everything tastes better once touched the floor, ceiling & walls.

Also do not be intimidated by lighting the stove. While you are deathly afraid of blowing up your apartment it probably won't happen...And If you're concerned about insurance remember you are Europe and know nothing about the insurance claims here. Also your kitchen is conveniently located near a back exit that leads to the back yard courtyard area. & remind yourself you've lived through a tornado, a broken tail bone and a very close encounter with a moving vehicle. (Another story, another blog...) You really have nothing to lose. Maybe your eyebrows but they haven't been plucked in over a month and could use some fire aided maintenance. Don't you already feel better about lighting your stove?

By now you should be halfway through your beer, well on your way to enjoying your Fiesta Pasta & you still have no idea if you're supposed to saute, boil or crack the avocado with a garlic mincer or an atomic bomb.

I'm not sure what Martha Stuwart would say about all of this but I'm almost certain I am good enough to be on the Bonnie Hunt show... Yes! She has expanded since Beethoven I, II & III. You can view her show after Ellen at 10am. I didn't think so...

At the point you've realized that this whole blog thing is not my scene. I should stop wasting my time and publish a cook book titled "Sauteing for Dummies & Student Abroad." Subtitle "Can't read the ingredients at your market...No problem. Veggies. Garlic. Pasta. Delight."

Who's making the call to Oprah?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Calm before the storm.

So yesterday was like the most beautiful day ever! It was sunny & blue skies all day. Perhaps Kobenhavn is more like New England then I thought. Today it was snowing and blizzard conditions all day. I don't think they plow very much here. The side walks were atrocious. I did make it two and from model making and also learned a little bit about a study tour I will be going on next week...

Get this! We leave on Thursday morning and get back Saturday afternoon. So no only do we miss class Thursday & Friday (That makes it a two day week) we also come back with time to go out on Saturday night. I know the Dane's love drinking but I'm glad their priorities are in check as well. (Kidding, Mom) Sort of.

Anyways. So the snow is beautiful today. I'm not afraid of 4" of bliss.

Did you know there were many Danish Vikings? I've always thought the life of a pirate would be great but fuck that! (Excuse my language...I'm in Viking mode here) Vikings are way more bad ass. They used to drag their viking ships to burial grounds so that when they died they could rest eternally in the hull of their ship. Isn't that great. I'm told not to get confused by all the "Hills" we'll be seeing on our tour of Western Denmark...apparently the hills are rich in Viking graves. Cool right?

I've realized my blog posting time usually coordinates with the time I'm supposed to be reading for school. The problem with all these lecture classes is that I'm not forced to actually do work in them. I'm used to having studio classes where I have no choice but to build, sculpt, draft, draw, animate and all that fun stuff. Reading Shmeading. Although I am really enjoying The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo...or something like that.

On that note...Dad I haven't gotten a dragon tattoo yet, however there is a lovely tattoo and piercing parlor right around the corner. If I get an urge tonight I won't have to press too far into this storm for ink. Cabin fever does weird things...Maybe it will be a snake tattoo? Nah, I'm happy with my sunshine & sunflower.

All the stores close fairly early  here. If you have any shopping to do you have to get it done before like 6:00. I guess this is good news for the employer...bad news for the procrastinating student who still has yet to buy tape or a metric ruler. C'mon USA get up on the times...Apparently everyone else is fond of the metric system. I've asked for directions & like how the hell am I supposed to know a 1 Kilometer walk is going to take like 45 minutes. I guess I'll add this to my "To Learn" list.

I'm joining a gym tomorrow. I have mixed feelings about this but maybe my Danish husband is waiting for me on a the treadmill...Or maybe he's not a runner but a weight lifter. Or maybe he's into Yoga. The DIS statistic is that out of every class (Or semester of students) at least 8 will end up marrying a Dane. There's 640 students this semester, and anyone who knows me, which is hopefully everyone reading this blog...if you don't know me bugger off that's creepy! but anyways 8 out of 640...like I said, I haven't done the math but maybe someone would like to volunteer?

Oh! My class teaching assignment went very well. Most students hated my co-group member as much as myself. No-it-all pushy bitch who kept interrupting poor Jeff & I while we tried to help instruct the class. No good. My contribution though was highly appreciated. I showed this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDo_vs3Aip4(  ) & made a lovely slide show presentation for our class.

I have an entire week of reading assignments ahead of me tonight. No class tomorrow until 2:50 however aspirations to wake up early and become a member of the local gym. This is not about athleticism or fitness...Just trying to become a lucky part of the "DIS-Dane Marrying Statistic." Do you think Danish is required to meet a Dane whist on the tread mill? I think my gym to be has a sauna...Maybe I'll start there?

Oh! I learned today that my walk to school is exactly the same length as Bob Dylan's Live Blowin' in the Wind. Today I certainly was blowing in the blustery snowflake dense wind.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Form & Distinction

Today I required to teach an entire class on form & distinction? You ask yourself...What is that? I ask myself teh same thing. I think I might be in trouble here. I'm a little concerned that we're going to fall flat on our faces. Our professor seems very intense. Also the article we were assigned is her weed out article...to get people to drop the class. So hopefully we do well enough that she does not request we drop the class. It is only the second time we meet as a whole for Danish Design so we're really clueless...On a happy  note I found a funny video on youtube to play for the class. Search Creature Comforts USA- Art. :]

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Arctic Circle for sure.

Today I visted the Frederiksberg Castle which at one point was the royal palace. Today it is the Danish History & Art Museum. Apparently one of the King Christians (There were like at least 10 Christians) finally got sick of how cold the palace was & decided to move, which is now the current palace located inside of Copenhagen.

The original castle burned down... we are told it was because Tobacco finally made it to Denmark & the Dane's build everything out of wood & as a result of too much beer..They drink a lot of beer here...The place burnt down.

Off topic, but I think the super bowl is on right now no? I don't even know who's playing it. I'm embarrassed... Here I thought I'd be searching for an American bar to watch the Pats kick some butt & no...Here I am, a defeated New England fan typing up notes for a group project on Design theory in society. Woof!

Okay so the castle...
It was very beautiful but (as I mentioned Arctic Circle) IT'S FREEZING TODAY! I have been so cold all day. The castle was in fact freezing, and though gorgeous just terribly too cold. So DAD while our house may be frigid is is warmer then the Frederiksberg Castle. Of Coarse Fryeburg, Maine is a little further south then Copenhagen.

Did you know, back in the day beds were made really short because people were afraid if they were laying down under covers the devil would assume they were dead & take their souls. So if any of you readers have a guilty conscience you might wanna think about propping yourself up. Or if you have bronchitis, sinus infection and pneumonia you might wanna prop yourself up so you can breathe, just some advice from personal experience.

Last night I was proud of myself for adventuring to and from a bar by myself. If you are worried about my safety you can read previous blogs search baby carriage. So while I went by myself I was meeting friends there. It was a wild basement bar (That's the name) and there were a bunch of young Dane's smashing glasses and dancing to 90's American hip hop...Like I'm blue i ba de ba di.

As I previously mentioned rather then watching the supear bowl (said like a french man) I am working a group project. It is evident I've become distracted and must return to my work. Or maybe I'll make a bowl of rice?

Skål! (Cheers!)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

why the danes are the happiest in the world...Part 2?

Yes there's more. It's not just because they are proud to be Danish...They are the happiest people in the world because they don't sit in traffic like ever. They also can drink beer anywhere in public besides on the bus ( & we are told also in our studio classrooms) coarse the later is not a law so I think we'll still manage to get away with it.

They don't let designers sleep here either. I already have to 2 group projects both due on Tuesday. In one we are working on making a model of the Shrouder? House which was designed 90 years ago and is located in the Netherlands, that we will be visiting on our study tour in about month. They project is really actually quite fun and my group members are great. I'm meeting them in a little while to do some beer drinking.

I think the Dane's are happy because they are not confined. This society is so liberal. There is a town in Copenhagen by the name of Christiana. Speaking of liberal... Just go ahead and look it up. Legalized.

Well friends and family you might have completely lost me. Copenhagen rocks. I think i'll eventually start to miss home? But for now I am truly thrilled to be here. I keep meeting very friendly people and learning so much about this city. It is continually becoming a happier place for me to be. You should all come and visit!

Hej! Hej!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

why the danes are the happiest in the world...

I think I've got it! Not only do they have incredible senses of humor...
BUT I found out today... Even men get Paternity leave. They get an entire 3 weeks of when their wives have children. That's beautiful. Another thing, their stores close around 5-6 & don't open until like 10. Everyone get's to relax. & the minimal wage is around 100 kroner...equivalent to around $20USD. Wild no? So like while you are making $5.25 for doing the Cinderella escapade at Story Land NH at the age of 15 some Danish bitch (excuse me...I'm just a bit bitter) was making $20 dollars to sell t-shirts at h&m where she wasn't expected to greet people or be friendly at all...

I can see why people stay here. If you are currently at 15 year old working at Settlers Green & or even worse Story Land NH please do yourself a favor RIGHT now. 1. Quit & 2. Move to Denmark.

My first day of class, as you can see was entirely informational. I met an Irish man at the bar (Affftterrr class) & he said that they suck at St. Pattie's day here. Looks like I'll be on me way to the homeland (No no not the USA. IRELAND!) For my Birthday :]

Tomorrow I have class & then I'll be heading to a DIS sponsored party @ a club down the street from school. Free drink & food until the locals get there! Saturday will be my long awaited trip to the IKEA of all IKEAS! :] It's like bigger then 10 super wal-marts. yahooo!!!

If you are currently reading this blog...and have been too lazy to actually follow me or comment at this point please direct your mouse to the top right corner of the page and click on the red X because you are a terrible follower & I'll never even know if you are reading this. While I am writing this as a documentation of my time here I would surely love some feedback! :]

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Did you know in Denmark they let their babies sleep in carriages outside during naps. Even in the winter in snow. Until the children are about three. They will also leave them on the street because they are afraid someone will steal their carriages while they are in the market...but the dane's won't take them if there are babies in them. I guess it really is safe here.

Babies take nap in gardens... I guess I'll be able to survive the streets of Copenhagen. :]

First day of class tomorrow!! :]

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 3 = Love

Let's catch up! Day 1: Arrived in Copenhagen where we had a little bit of an orientation & waited for our scheduled pick ups. Mira & I walked a very very long walk to our super sweet little tiny 3rd floor (Not to be confused, there are 5 flights of stairs)conveniently located apartment! I love our little place. It's a typical European space...I was looking for the pantry in our 5x10 kitchen & stumbled upon my 2x2 shower. Lovely right? Mira & I went to the market to buy stuff for dinner, I ate showered & slept and was in bed by 8:45. I've finally just unpacked 2 days later.

Day 2: A lot of orientation...running around campus (our buildings are scattered about Copenhagen & we use other university buildings) & meeting people who are in the same living arrangements as myself, groups and or major. I conveniently made friends with Karoline's roommate (My fellow EC Gal) and have been hanging out with their roommates since. I've met kids from all over the US, but wouldn't ya know my favorite is a northern-er like myself. Last Night Bri, Corinne & Myself made an adventurous trek to & from all our apartments. It ended up being like a 4 hour expedition in which we made dinner, drank cheap dollar beers & Nuttella sandwiches and also made a lovely pasta dish for Bri's roommate Jonas. We then came back in to Copenhagen central to some of the shared DIS housing (Conveniently located within 100 feet from all classes) to socialize and meet some kids. We went to the Land Down Under bar where I met a lot of other students and Dane's alike. As a result I showed up to my first Danish lesson half intoxicated and not well rested at all. Needless to say My Danish is improving. Jij?

Tomorrow we have a second Danish lesson & then we meet by major with our professors & heads of the department. Tomorrow night I am helping a friend find her new koligeium or something spelt like that. It's shared housing between other universities & she hasn't been able to move in yet. So we are skyping it out tomorrow... Also I'm vising the land where the crop is plenty and legal.

Today after we butchered the Danish language as a collectively hung over class we split into groups and ventured around the city all day trying to complete a scavenger hunt. I for sure got lost, we for sure got "corned" by a crazy corn on the cob-stix vender, took the metro the wrong way & also saw some sights along the way. I picked up books & grocery's today. I'm unpacked & ready to show you my adventures through pictures! :] IMAGE 1 is the beer we drank on the plane. We found it fitting the brand was Gull as in the Endicott Gulls...so we bought some and drank them!

IMAGE 2 is the street view from my bedroom window :] I opologize for the impossibly tiny pictures... My wireless is being slow & the larger file refuse to upload. So deal. Baha

I have many more pictures to show but my wireless is giving me a headache...
Soon to be posted a photographic adventure of my journey around Copenhagen :]

Hej! Hej!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


So yesterday while perusing Borders with Mr. Bourett for a Danish Language phrase book I decided on my New Years Resolution:
I'm going to fully commit myself to learning Danish...
For anyone who's ever heard my sing song lyrics, try to learn polish, try to repeat phrases or mock accents knows very well this is going to be a challenge.
I Dani Hill am inept. I struggle to learn new languages and or speak them.
As a sign (though small I realize) of my dedication to learning the language my blogspot page is now in Danish. Wish me luck...
This very well could be my last coherent post. After all I know NO Danish.
Here are a few key phrases Alex & I stumbled upon:

wat? ik begrijp het niet, spreekt tu Engles?
(I know what your thinking, Which way to the bar?) But No, this actually means What, I don't understand; do you speak English?
This phrase will become very useful.

ik spreek slecht Netherlands
I speak Dutch very badly.

nee, sorry
No, sorry

wat is dit?
what is this?

I very much like the pronunciation of W's as V's...as in Vat is dit? I might get used to this...hopefully overnight. T-2 DAYS!! :] Uitsketend! Heerlijk! [Excellent! Very Nice!]

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Holy Poohzi!
I leave so soon!
I have a 33 year old roommate who is a film theater student!
She learned english in London when she went to school for Internation Relations.
Her name is Mira. I think I can live with a Mira!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

T-9 Days!

It is Nine. 9! or in Danish Ni!! Until I leave for Copenhagen!
I'm getting so excited && ready to bust a move! As in jet set out of here.
I am starting to feel a little bit overwhelmed with this undertaking.
I know next to nothing about Denmark. Except that the people are happy.
&& That's all I need to know I guess.
I know nothing about my arrival. I know nothing about my roommate.
Where I'm living. When I have class. Where I'll have class.
Regardless of all these details I'm beyond excited and ready to conquer foreign lands.
Here is my to-do list:

1. Shower & Coffee (Very short term but important) Straight up Otis Redding style Cigarettes & Coffee for sure.
2. Send out internship resumes & cover letters for this summer/fall internship.
3. Figure out printing of my portfolio.
4. Buy a camera.
5. Find Krone (Danish currency).
7. Talk to financial aid...will I be getting my loan or am I broke?
8. Find a Danish-English dictionary for my sad broken almost danish ass.
9. Buy a gift for my mystery roommate.
10. PACK!

Yikes! It seems an appropriate time to quote my friend Penny Lane:

"It's all happening!"