Where in the world is Dani Sandiego?

Where in the world is Dani Sandiego?
I walk through Orsteds Parken to get to class!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Flossy Tuesday gone Thursday

Tuesdays have somehow turned into Flossy Tuesday. Jeff & I are usually accompanied by several others and we hit up Floss (Our favorite bar) after we get out of class around 6:00. This Tuesday however everyone was neck deep in studio work and hadn't sleep since at least Saturday, at best. So we didn't make it.

Yesterday we decided, hell we're done with studio let's make it Flossy Thursday. Jeff and I had already decided we would make Thursday our Hygge night and we'd come to my flat and make dinner, share a few drinks and relax. So yesterday we said Hell we'll make it a Flossy Hygge night...dinner followed by Floss.

So I make Jeffrey dinner and we eat, have a beer and relax. Mid conversation the poor overtired kid passes out at the end of my bed. I mean out. Like a snoring drooling sassing mess. I kept trying to wake him up and be like "Jeff you should go home and get some rest..." his response "How do you know." For over an hour I tried to get Jeffrey to wake up and when I finally did he asked me where all my friends went...

I share this story to let everyone know that clearly I do not having sleeping problems as bad as some of the other architecture students. Maybe I hadn't had a good nights rest since the weekend and couldn't stay awake in class but I would never fall asleep when the opportunity to go to Floss presents itself. Needless to say I got a good nights rest last night and was pleasantly surprised when I awoke at 730 and it was light out. The past 3 days I've stumbled back to my room for "Sleep" around 5am. I think it will be a good Friday : ]

I have class this morning & then Karaline and I are finally making a pilgrimage to a famous danish/pastry shop located down the road. We figured after this week we deserve a gooey treat. This afternoon Karaline, Bri and I all present our projects. Seeing as my project is a complete bust I don't necessarily expect wonderful results. On a happy happy tonight I am being taken to Heidi's Beer Bar tonight. I haven't been yet in fear that I may never want to leave. I've heard great things and am ready for a cold one. Or two...whatever. TGIF right?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Somethings are global

All-nighters. Woof right? So I've made some decisions since I've been here. I decided I wouldn't compromise my fun for my homework...I also decided that doing my projects well and studying and doing homework are also a priority. And the same as while in the States...there just isn't enough time in the waking day to schedule all those things...As a result I have been awake for about 4 days. No worries though..I'm fed & showered and have actually just had my first good sleep since Wednesday night...oh that's a week. No wonder I feel like a crazy.

The good news is my project is done! While it certainly does not reflect 3 weeks of up to par work I think its sufficiently convincing. I'm going to try  harder on the next project.

I have the next two days to present my project and watch some other presentations. We few days this weekend to relax & then Sunday we depart for a week long study tour. I can't believe how fast time has flown over here. It's a bit heart breaking. While I miss many things about the States I am going to be a mess when I have to leave this country. I really really like living here. I'm starting to feel a panic setting in..like I haven't seen enough things...or done enough things here yet. I realize I probably won't come back here for a long time. I decided today that I will continue to have fun and do my work until the wee hours of the night. I will also try harder to do more and see more while I am here. I think Germany and Netherlands will be a progressive step next week.

I have many a post card to send to people. they have very interesting funny post cards all over the city here and I've been collecting quite a handful of them...f you would like a little mail from the CPH please give me your address and I will send you one. First I have to make it to the post office...It should be a very cultural experience seeing as I am I can't figure out the US postal system. International mail is crap.

Until I sit down long enough again to write a post...
Vi ses!

PS. Here are copies of my presentation boards. No matter how hard I try to make my boards appear "architectural" like most of everyone's here I still have a colorful mess. They should be titled "4am Self-Portrait."

Monday, February 22, 2010

Dancing Queen


Okay so for those who know my excellent luck and series of unfortunate happenings you won't be surprised when I tell you I got puked on this weekend at a club. Unbelievable right? So I'm waiting in line for the bathroom chatting with Karaline, minding my own business and this girl behind me used my back as puke target practice. I couldn't believe it actually happened. I looked at Karaline "Did that really just happen?" turned around looked at the girl and could only manage to mutter "Get it together." I mean commmmmoonnnnn....That shit doesn't happen to people in real life. Like use the floor, or a toilet OR HOLD IT IN? I don't know but I can't imagine ever thinking "Hey good idea...that girl looks like she'd enjoy being puked on!"

While she continued to spew into the sink I was mopped up by like 10 very helpful Danish girls. I have never in my life been more shocked...Okay maybe when I got him by a car one time...Unlimited beer included with cover charges is only a good idea if you can handle drinking beer without puking on strangers. Note to self: NEVER get that drunk in public. Or ever.I hope everyone's already learned this lesson or can avoid learning it the hard way. No body likes a puker.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


When in Rome? Happy 21st Alex Bourett! Wishing you all the booze in the world! We will celebrate according once I am of age and we're cheers'n in AMSTERDAM!!!! Can't wait! Missss the shit outta you! && Everyone else but today is about Alex!

Friday, February 19, 2010


I am currently in studio class...Obviously not working on studio. Super bad news....It is safe to say that any motivation I started this semester with is quickly dwindling. I've already made more travel plans for March 8-9 to go on a one night cruise to Norway : ] Class? Whatever.

Currently Kirsten is here visiting from Florence. Last night we took her to my favorite week night bar, Floss. We played some pool against some Danes, got entirely covered in the smell of smoke, drank several beers and concluded our night snacking on Nutella...Obviously. Needless to say Danish Design class this morning was a wash...

Tonight we're planning on hitting up Kohler Bar. It's a lovely dance club. We love to dance so it's a great inexpensive option and tons and tons of fun. I can't believe I've been here for over a month. It's quite overwhelming. It sort of breaks my heart. I never want to leave.

I can't wait to dance dance dance tonight : ] I uploaded some found photos of Christiana on FB. Check it. A marvelous hole in the wall for sure. I think I'm gonna skip out on studio and head to the gym. May everyone have a blissful weekend!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Time flies here

It's already Thursday this week and I'm not quite sure where all the time went. Ohhhh I remember, I've been trying to get work done in studio all week. The truth is...I've really been in my studio classroom since Monday but I haven't managed but to get a few hours of work done it feels like. My mind is not in the right place to do work. Instead of work all week I've been busy buying plane tickets & planning spring break & trying to learn hte metric system.

Only in Europe must you try and learn the metric system while listening to sexy bitch because your studio classroom is located over a Discotheque. Last night while I was working on my project and the place downstairs was bumpin over my itunes. Unbelievable.

This week has been a crazy jumble of group projects, class field trips and neglecting studio whenever possible. Yesterday I went back to Malmo & we went to the Boa 1 Project...It's a self sustainable housing development in the outskirts of Malmo, Sweden best known for its towering Twisting Torso. It was really interesting to be there and see all the different homes. When they were developing the project they opened up the plots of land to architects from all around the world. Essentially there are small villages within that are designed by a country such as Italy, Spain, Sweden, Denmark and so on. I was really happy to be there but it was very cold. Once I got back I met up with classmates for a group project with my professor. After which time I met up with other classmates to go visit a Museum for a Danish Design assignment. Followed by that I went to the gym, had dinner and was back at studio by 7pm. Looks like today will be studio all day followed by class this afternoon followed by Welcoming Kirsten to Copenhagen. She is coming to stay with Karaline from Florence. I wish she was bringing all the other Endicott kids will her, however I'm very glad she'll be here for the weekend!

A week from Sunday we have our week long study tour. We will be visiting Germany & Netherlands. We will be staying in many different cities and seeing A LOT of architecture. On our short trip we had about 9 site visits. They're going to drag our asses all over those countries. I'm so excited!! I will return and within 5 day Jacqui & Kelsey will be here!

My spring break plans have finally come to a final plan and I am beyond excited. I feel like I have a month of break basically because Jacqui and Kelsey will be here for a week and half before my spring break. Jacqui and Kelsey arrive on March 11-12th & we will explore Copenhagen until March 16 when we fly to Amsterdam for my birthday! I will return on the 20th and my spring break starts on the 27th! On the 29th I arrive in Florence where Miss Jacqui Bell will meet back up with me and we will be staying with Alex Bourret & some other Endicott guys. From Florence we will be going on a trip for Easter weekend with my fellow Endicott students from April 1-5. We're taking a cruise down to Corfu where we will stay at the Pink Palace resort for 4 days, and then return to Florence for a night. Followed by that Jacqui & I will be flying to Madrid to stay with my roommate Andrea until the 11th. See! A month of FUN FUN FUN!!

The following weekend from Spring break I will be going on a hiking/biking/canoeing trip in Sweden. Two weeks after that around May 6 I will be learning how to work a tall ship. This semester is going to fly by in the next few months. From the sound of things I will barely be in Kobenhavn. Crazy Crazy Crazy....

I misss everyone!! A lot! Hope everyone is doing just as well as I am. As it seems to be the current topic of debate in New England...I LOVE that it's snowing there! I actually miss the snow. Feel free to quote me on that next winter when I'm bitching.

Okay before studio I must do laundry & get to the grocery store. Better get going! LOVE to all!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fastelavn Fun

Happy Valentines Day! More importantly Happy Festelavn!

Last night I went to a party at a Koligium. (Dansk version of a dorm/apartment style living shared between like 600 kids from many different Universities all over Copenhagen). It was to celebrate the Danish adored holiday of Festelavn. The Dane's do not mess around with the seriousness of their costumes. I wish I had my camera to fully capture what I saw last night. Picture 1,000 College students in costume raging in a school facilitated building rocking out to a band, and two different DJ's with basically free beer all night! I was there with probably 10 other DIS students. All of them are second semester students and I was the only newby. It was a lot of fun. I didn't get home this morning until 6am. I was so tired it was incredible.

At the beginning of the night I had just returned from Malmo and wasn't planning on going out. I started my weekend cleaning duties and then the next thing I new I was getting ready to go to club Vega. Club Vega is one of the top dance clubs in all of Europe. I was really excited to see it...and then I went to my first real Festelavn party. Once in a lifetime experience I think. The best I can do to describe it is mayhem.

Sweden was really fun. While we didn't do much other then walk around it was nice to visit another country. We were a little confused by the money situation...Turns out there's Danish Kroner and Swedish Kroner...the difference who knows but now I'm stuck with 90 Swedish Kroner & I can't spend it here. While on our visit to Malmo we visited a candy store, a shopping mall and a small cafe for dinner. I bought a few pairs of warm socks and also a new pair of mittens and Swedish chocolate of coarse. Next time we go to Malmo we're going to plan on visiting the chocolate factory! Yum!

For now I must finish my cleaning duties...make a trip to the gym & then do homework alllllll night. I am forever behind in my studio class and really have no idea how to attack my project. I don't even have a metric scale yet, and I have no glue, so my  model making is being put on a hold until tomorrow. As I've mentioned nothing is open on Sunday. I need to start doing my must-have for homework shopping on Friday's or Saturday's so that I can manage to actually get some homework done on Sundays. Maybe next weekend...A Bourret might becoming next weekend to Denmark to celebrate his 21st birthday with me!!! Alex if you are reading this YOU HAVE TO COME! : ]

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Next stop Shhheeeweden!

It makes me feel amazingly far north when I can hop on the computer rail 4 minutes from my house and end up in Sweeden 45 minutes later. Where in the world IS Dani Sandieg? So we're off to Malmo today. It's an area that connects Kobenhavn to all of Sweden. I've learned in my livability class that a lot of people commute and work in Kobenhavn from Malmo. Apparently everything is much cheaper there in general, so people can come to Kobenhaven, get all the benefits available under the Danish government, and then go live more comfortably an hour away. I think the Swedes have it figured out?

Last night I experiences Pat's Bar, known for Kobenhavn's finest karaoke. Let me tell you...finest. We decided to make it a tequila night, obviously. && Got very drunk with a lot of Dane's singing lord knows what at what decibels. I did feel great though to finally here Dane's butcher some English. While I didn't participate in the singing I did video tape Jeff & Karaline tearing it up to Cher. I must see this video asap. Also to make matters funnier there is a Danish holiday that coincides with Valentines day in which people dress up, much like Halloween and get all crazy. This holiday is described as such " Fastelavn or Shrovetide, which is a celebration with children dressing up in costumes and beating up a barrel with a stick. Fastelavn is celebrated on the Sunday before Lent." What it should say is the few days previous to this people get very drunk, go to karaoke and butcher a lot of American classics. Love it.

Most days I walk through Isreal Plads, which is alongside the park. I like to walk this way because I generally walk through recess of Danish elementary aged children. They are the cutest thing ever. Thus far I have gotten in a snowball fight on multiple occasions with the same group of seven year old boys. What's not to love on your way to class? Yesterday I wad delighted to find my snowball competition in costume. Maybe it's the language barrier, but I swear, Danish children are a 1000 times cuter then little Americans. I would like to bring one home. Thankfully they keep that at a young age in carriages outside the market. It's probably easier for me to steel a child then it is to get arrested for drinking too much here. There is virtually  no limit, as a result you find yourself on one tequila two tequila three tequila four, whilst your new found middle aged danish friends are buying you more rounds. I love Kobenhavn.

OH btw...Might be changing my place of residence. I'm really quite lonely in my apartment because my roommate is virtually MIA. A room opened up in DIS shared housing right by our classrooms and campus. I know quite a few kids on the floor and need to live around people asap. If I make this move I won't have to change any of my daily stuff...I'll just be closer to the gym, Netto & school. AND PEOPLE! The wheels have just been put in motion on this notion so I'm not sure what will happen. When in Kobenhavn...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Week 3

So this week has been terrific. I've have some very interesting field studies around the city. Two museums, one furniture show gallery, a world famous danish shop and the lakes around my house. Also I went to Floss which thus far is my favorite bar. It's a great week night hang out space. I went with Jeff & Leanne and met some new faces there. It's a very relaxed place, a nice basement full of couches and pool tables and foosball. Is that how you spell it? Anyways... My foosball skills are lacking. I have lost many a kroner to crazy Danish kids. While I'm a great shit talker I have a bad habit of scoring against myself rather than the opponent. In short: This week has been really great. I know it's only Thursday but I feel like I've packed a lot into the first part of my week. By the way, the Sun is shining in Kobenhavn today!! Maybe not so exciting for those who haven't been living gray scale for 3 weeks, but the blue sky is a beautiful beautiful thing! : ]

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So when I first started class here I thought that 830ams would be a sneeze in comparison to an 8am. I learned today not the case. I stayed up until 3 reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo & naturally turned my alarm of instead of on. This morning however I definitely made it to class in under 8 minutes. I woke up at a 843 (for my 830) and got to class by 858.

On a up-note, it's Tuesday! That means NO class tomorrow. I have a field trip this afternoon to the Danish Museum of Fine Art (Or something of that gist) to present a group project about Architect and Designer Cecelie Manz. Tomorrow I have a field trip for my Danish Design class. I'm really starting to see how class is going to be interesting, challenging and different here. Our professors are really encouraging us to engage in our studies and also the cultural experience here in Copenhagen. Since being here in 3 weeks I've perhaps seen as much art and design as ever in my past collegiate experience. The Danes are innovative designers and I hope by the time I leave here, not only will I be able to speak a little more Danish, but that I will innately be influenced by Danish Design.

Word on the street it a few Endicott students are making their way from Florance to Copenhagen in a few weeks! I'm so excited! Also I think a few Endicott students, myself included, are going to make an hour train ride and hop the border to Switzerland this weekend for some exploring and shopping. I think we might try and head over Friday night, stay at a hostel and come back here Saturday night! : ] I love the simplicities of traveling in Europe. I think I'll have an easier time getting to Switzerland then if I wanted to drive to Jackson NH in February. I'm really starting to LOVE love it here. Not only can I walk to class in 8 minutes with some hustle but I can find freedom in 8 minutes. I never want to leave this city.

: ] On another note I do miss everyone from home. The whole communication thing is hard. I know you are all hearing about my life through the blog, but I don't hear from anyone or much about home. So don't be afraid to share with me! I hate email and the telephone is not an internationally friendly option...So please fill me in on your life and what's going on in the states. You can do better...I didn't know who won the Superbowl until late Monday night...that is not acceptable!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Go west my friend

Yesterday I got back from a 3 day study tour of Western Denmark. On our tour we went to Aarhus, the second largest city in Denmark and Kolding along with Faborg. In each city we stayed at the Danhostel and visited many many places. It was overwhelming but certainly fun. While traveling we were allowed free time for roaming about the cities and getting into trouble and what not. On both nights we found some bars with real hygge. Hygge is the danish work for Cozy...or the idea that their spaces are designed around this intimate coziness. Anywhoozel while in Western Denmark I made new friends. Road a bus with a bloody handed bum. Got lost in foreign cities. Found my way home. Drank beer with professors. Learned a lot of about Danish Design. Found someone else who knows the Turkey Handshake. You can't plan things like getting Turkied and I Turkied a Turkier. Saw a Giant. Played like a kid in the coolest children center ever. Drank a beer the size of my leg. Climbed atop a tower to look over Aarhus. Slept on the bus. Danced with strangers. Walked a lot. Sketched a lot. Took a lot of pictures. Had a blast so on and so forth.

The trip was certainly a success. I really enjoyed the whole process of keeping a sketch book for the trip. It helped analyze the buildings and remember the details I would otherwise of forgotten. I'm going to try and keep up with my sketchbook on a normal basis.

Last night I went out with new friends and made some danish connections. Today I made a morning trip with friends to Christiana & got some breakfast. I then came home and cleaned the apartment and started in on my homework. I am starting to accept the lifestyle here a bit. I'm giving in to the late nights and late mornings. I'm usually a night owl but I prefer waking up early and getting my day started. It doesn't work out well when the Danes do not go until 11-12 and stay out until 6am. Today I slept in until 1 and it was fabulous. People stay up very late here and nothing opens until at least 10 so its time I embrace it! I am very slowly becoming danish.

Tomorrow I need to make a long pit stop to the market. I haven't done much shopping in the past week & have zero groceries except for the snacks that Mum sent. The grocery store (Other then 711) are closed on Sundays. Today I went exploring around my area of the city alone. It was really  nice to walk and see whats around. It seems like a lot of people enjoy the city on the weekends. It's relaxing to walk around and watch people. I found myself on the lake today watching people ice skate. We want to see if we can find a place to rent Ice Skates & go out on the lake while she's still frozen.

Things to do things to do...Here a few of the pictures from my trip. If you want to see more check out my facebook album where they are all located.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's always sunny in Kobenhavn

Speaking of which...I'm actually sipping on my first cup of Jo waiting for the sun to greet those of us who are so far north. Since we got here the sun started rising earlier which is a great sign. Most days its been cloud and snowy, so we haven't seen that much of it. Yesterday when we were exploring the city we came across many glimpses of sunshine at which point Bri Corrine and myself would stop where we were standing & soak it up.

I think I'm severely VitD deprived. Gimme some sun!

Today we're heading farther North. For some reason they call it Western Denmark. I think that's just a more appealing way to look at it rather then thinking "It's about to get a lot colder." I'm very excited for this weekend trip. Though I have no idea where we are headed to first, or at all really. They like to leave us in the dark. I like the element of suprise.

I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be disapointed if we missed the LEGO trip...I just want to go to the factor and see all the LEGOs! T-30 I should probably get dressed and on with my morning. To those on the East Coast...May you see the sun shine this morning!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Spincity HELL

Okay so I finally got the balls to go to a Spin class at my gym. Before you think I'm being a ninny I would like to remind you that the Danish are known for the massive amounts of people who ride bikes on a daily basis. 48% of Dane's ride their bike to work. Another 20ish% walk. These people are fit and they do not mess around when it comes to bikes. Recently I have seen people biking in blizzard conditions with like two children on the same bike and a basket built for four. I'm not kidding these people are basically morphing into the missing link between man and machine.

Okay so let's face it. I just don't fit the physical profile of the average Dane. Not only do I not fit the physical profile I do not have the athleticism or stamina that they do. We can blame this on my asthma, beer or trips to Christiana. Regardless I am no Dane.

Okay so I go to spin class. This is what this is about. Self improvement. I will forever never compare myself to a Dane again. After this story. So I walk in and feel a bit better because there's several middle aged women (Who am I kidding, they could probably drive their granny bikes over me and or drag me on a weighted down sled behind their super-cross highly efficient bikes). My first problem was that I couldn't clip in the shoes I rented. While everyone else is warming up I'm struggling to stay atop and in control of my "Body Bike" and simultaneously clip in my shoes. Turns out the slide in from the inside...not the outside. It's not magic it's super efficiently highly impressive Danish Design. Right down to the foot petals on your "Body Bike."

So I'm clipped in and the musics pumping. Our instructor is a mix of Lance Armstrong and Teddy Brewski. He starts encouraging everyone in class. I will at this point give him credit for easing in on us. I will remind the reader the only words I know in Danish are beer and cheers... I have no idea what this man is say. Naturally I follow the lead of all the other "Body Bikers" and keep turning the resistance on my bike. My legs are burning off. I have forgotten about the blizzard-like conditions outside and in south of the border. We have sat up and down on or "Body Bikes" at least a 1,000 times. The lights have now been dimmed, the techno turned up and our instructor is mad. The only words I understand are PUMP PUMP PUMP and I am PUMPING as hard as I can. I am sweating like a Ban-chi. I look the man in the left of me and he is out to lunch. His fruity flowered sweatband is as dry as a whistle and he has a strange grimace on his face. His legs are the size of my rib cage. I am totally out of my league. We're, and I joke not about such matters, 10 minutes in the 60 minute class. If I was more confident in my ability to un-clip my "Body Bike Shoes" I would abort this spinning class from hell.

By the end of the class our instructor was off his bike and walking around to "Pump people up." Or so I assume. For all I know he could have been singing Marvin Gaye tunes or telling knock knock jokes. I the case of either examples I have totally miss-judged Danish body language...which would explain why I have, after a week at the gym, not found my long lost Danish hubby-to-be. So Instructor get's to my "Body Bike" and is yelling at me "Extremely encouraging phrases." I had all I could do no to bunny hop my entire "Body Bike" out of Palmfitness and back to my apartment. Instead I petaled like a road runner closed my eyes and appreciated the familiar sound of the Du Hast Super Mix.

The class ends and I feel like a champion. I still haven't out smarted the "Body Bike" or the "Body Bike Shoes" and am yet again behind as the class files out. Just me and Instructor. He asks something in Danish and I laugh. He laughs back. I mutter "I'm stuck." He says "You don't speak Danish?" I reply "No, No I don't. I hope I didn't miss anything important." He says "I hope I didn't frighten you" chuckles at himself tells me to slide my feet in and walks out while I am still attached to my "Body Bike"...I do so and like magic I am out of my "Body Bike" and happily retreating to the water fountain.

I think if I can walk tomorrow I will go again. This time I might either A. Ask for English translation, but only when directly being spoken to or B. Hope to god it's a different Instructor and out smart my shoes while trying to blend in with a group of psycho-semi professional-road stars. 

Monday, February 1, 2010

A fantastic start the week

I awoke and went to Pilates class...which was surprisingly similar to in America, except in Danish. However I'm getting really good at counting down from eight. Also when I got home I was told I had received a package from HOME! I have never been so happy to see peanut butter for real.

Once I picked my hefty package I realized I had a field trip on the other side of Copenhagen. My man Jeff was friendly enough to store it in his room near school so I could pick it up after our field trip. We decided it best if I went shopping with him at Netto and helped him pick out like liver spread of some sort. Disgusting. Anyways he took me to his favorite bar and we brought along Miss Karaline, who is also from Endicott. We had a really great time and discovered after having many a class together, and several group projects, one trip to Christina & A night at the bar that we are each others other half. I'm glad to finally have a solid friend here. You would all love him.

Today in my field trip I learned that the people of Copenhagen once hated bike riding and walking the streets. This gives me hope that maybe one day we can adopt this life style in America...

If you haven't laughed yet today. Youtube Maury Pickle Phobia.

: ] I am in particularly wonderful sorts tonight and I hope all my readers are having lovely Monday's as well!!
Thanks for the mail Mum! & Deb & Jerry!! xoxo